
Family Ministry

Our Family ministries include children and students ages 0-22, preschool through undergraduate college. In all these ministries, we have the same mission: to bring glory to God by making disciples that make disciples. Because we believe that Scripture is clear that parents are the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children, our hope is to partner with and come alongside parents in the discipleship process.



CF Kids
From our infants to 6th Graders, our goal is to create environments that engage each age group at their developmental level, while helping them discover and experience who God is and how to join Him in His Story through His Son, Jesus.

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Student Ministry 
Our Student Ministry (6th–12th grade) is a place for students to discover and own their faith, live out their faith and lead others. Leading students to develop a faith of their own in Jesus Christ is the goal of our ministry. 

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College Group
The college ministry at Community Fellowship is for students age 18 to 23 and exists to develop young adults who love Christ’s church and who consider the full congregation to be family. 

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