
Adult Bible Communities (ABC)

November 26, 2023 12:00am

Room: 112 A

Contact: Brian OndracekBrian Ondracek

The Christian life was never meant to be a do-it-yourself undertaking. Growing to be more like Christ and living out the commands of Jesus is only possible as we relationally engage with others who share the same faith and serve the same Lord. Adult Bible Communities (ABCs) are meant to help you connect with others at Community Fellowship in a learning environment on Sunday mornings. Our hope is that the topics presented from a biblical viewpoint in ABCs will deepen your understanding, challenge your thinking, and spur you on to follow Christ more fully. But we also desire that ABCs will nurture a sense of belonging to the family of believers here at Community Fellowship.

ABCs for Fall 2023

Evangelism – First Hour

The word evangelism brings many different things to mind. We might think about those who stand on street corners with bullhorns or those who leave gospel tracts for waiters after their meal. Christians generally know that they should be talking with non-Christians about Jesus, but many feel guilty for not doing it more. So how can we overcome our hesitations and fears? How can we speak with others about Jesus in a way that is caring, respectful, and persuasive? Join us this fall for an ABC focused on evangelism as we explore how we can effectively and lovingly invite others to follow Jesus.

Marriage – Second Hour

What if God designed marriage more to grow us in holiness and Christlikeness than to provide for our happiness? What if the picture of a perfect marriage painted by this world is an illusion that keeps us from what God really desires for us? This fall the ABC “Building a Strong and Godly Marriage” will explore how God intended our marriages to mold us more into the image of Christ. Whether you’ve been married for decades, are recently married or are simply looking forward to the day you will be married, this ABC will help you understand marriage from God’s perspective.

To register use the buttons below or text Evangelism or Marriage to 630-416-9277.

Registration for Evangelism ABC

Registration for Marriage ABC

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