
Adult Bible Communities (ABC)

February 18, 2024 12:00am

Room: 112 A

Contact: Brian OndracekBrian Ondracek

The Christian life was never meant to be a do-it-yourself undertaking. Growing to be more like Christ and living out the commands of Jesus is only possible as we relationally engage with others who share the same faith and serve the same Lord. Adult Bible Communities (ABCs) are meant to help you connect with others at Community Fellowship in a learning environment on Sunday mornings. Our hope is that the topics presented from a biblical viewpoint in ABCs will deepen your understanding, challenge your thinking, and spur you on to follow Christ more fully. But we also desire that ABCs will nurture a sense of belonging to the family of believers here at Community Fellowship.

ABCs for Spring 2024

Giving, Saving, Living  – First Hour

What does Scripture teach about how we steward the resources God has entrusted to us?  Each week we’ll look at biblical principles of stewardship in light of the culture we live in, evaluate our own current views and decisions on allocating resources, and a time for sharing practical information on planning for today and the future. (January 21 - March 3)

The Pentateuch: From Paradise to the Promised Land – Second Hour

The Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) is foundational for understanding God’s work throughout Scripture. But making sense of the laws and narratives can be confusing and sometimes even troubling! In this class, we will immerse ourselves in the Pentateuch and see how these books teach us who God is and lead us to Christ. Join us as we journey from Paradise to the Promised Land together! (January 21 - May 19)

Unlocking the Bible - First Hour

We know that in order to follow Christ, we need to know His Word. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the thought of doing this! Where do I start? How do I understand what I am reading? How much should I read each day and how much time will this take? The Unlocking the Bible ABC group will equip each person with the knowledge, skills, and joy of unlocking the Bible and walking in the Word daily to bring you closer to Christ. (March 10 - May 19)

To register use the buttons below or text Finances, Pentateuch, or Bible to 630-416-9277.

Registration for ABC Finance

Registration for ABC Pentateuch

Registration for ABC Bible

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