Located in North America...
Through Cru I have the amazing opportunity to be used by God to reach students on college campuses in Colorado Springs, CO and Pueblo, CO who are at a critical stage of life. Many of our students are often asking for the first time if there is a God. They are trying to figure out what they believe and why they believe it. Should they believe it? With Cru I get the opportunity to go onto these campuses and interact with people both believing and non-believing and actively live a life "not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..." (Rom. 1:16). I get to do this through evangelism, that is, entering campus and initiating spiritual conversations with students that lead into a gospel presentation. We are blessed to regularly see students place their faith in Christ. However, we don't just want converts, we want to make disciples who make disciples. Through small group Bible study, topical discipleship groups, a weekly gathering, and one-on-one meetings, I get to see the Holy Spirit use me to build up our students more and more to a life submitted to Christ. Then, lastly, one of the most amazing gifts I have the privilege of, is equipping our students to evangelize; taking them out to do so on campus, bringing them on summer mission with us, and sending them out as they graduate to reach a world in need. Everyday I am surprised in some way by how God moves and am filled with gratitude that I have been graced to be on the frontlines of reaching our college students here in the United States.