
JP & Kelly Facury

Located in North America...

My first contact with MAI was during the year I studied at Word of Life, Brazil. MAI missionaries went down to Brazil to give a week-long class on sports ministry. That week changed my entire perspective about sports ministry! Until then, I couldn’t see how God could redeem soccer in my life. That week I realized that it wasn’t actually soccer that had lead me far from Christ but my own sinful heart, therefore soccer can and should be used to preach the Gospel (especially since it is a passion of mine). In 2016 I participated in the Summer Academy where I continued to learn what sports ministry was. I decided to major in Physical Education and use that to be a full time missionary using sports to preach the Gospel. In 2021 I realized I still had much to learn and I needed to be mentored in this area. So my wife and I decided to pack our bags, move to Chicago, and join the MAI staff. As we serve alongside Godly men and women we have learned so much and we are very grateful.

JP & Kelly relationally engage and invest in the kids and families as they live and serve as neighborhood leaders in West Chicago.

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