
Worship & Prayer Night

July 21, 2024 6:00pm

Contact: Jake MacAdamJake MacAdam | Ext 210

Next Sunday evening, we'll have an all-church worship and prayer night in the gym. The focus for this evening is going to be crying out to God on behalf of some vulnerable people groups, both in our nation and around the globe: displaced refugees, those experiencing deep poverty, and victims of human slavery. Scripture commands followers of Jesus to lament over injustices in the world and cry out to Him for deliverance and healing. We often don't take enough time to do this as a church, so we really want to prioritize this important focus in our next worship and prayer gathering. We'll spend time lamenting & seeking the Lord through silent prayer, prayer in groups, and singing together. Afterward, we invite you all to linger in the lobby to enjoy some dessert items and refreshments provided by our deacon team! 

We are not offering childcare for this event because we want whole families to worship together during this evening! We're looking forward to this time and trust that the Lord will use it for His glory and our good - we hope to see you there!

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